Tuesday, July 15, 2008


It's been a little bit since I've posted so I gotta get caught up! I wasn't feel so good and being on the computer doesn't make it any better. However, we're now in week 13 and things are looking up!! So excited not to be feeling nauseous all the time. A few headaches and waves of nausea but it's better than feeling it all the time.
I celebrated my 28th birthday last week and I had much to celebrate that's for sure! I couldn't have asked for a better present then to be 12 weeks pregnant (and for my sister to call from Africa to wish me a happy birthday of course!).
We have our next appointment on the 24th and we can't wait! After that, we wait just 4 weeks to find out the sex of our baby!!! YAY!
I heard about this baby heart monitor that you can rent and listen to your baby's heartbeat at home. I HAD to have it, hehe. It's a heart doppler and it works great! As soon as I got home I tried it and found the baby's heartbeat and it was AMAZING!
**I'm trying to get the recording posted**
UPDATE: I found a site to host my recordings!!
Heartbeat from 7/11: http://media.putfile.com/BabyM0
Heartbeat from 7/14: http://media.putfile.com/BabyM1
Hearbeat from 7/22: http://media.putfile.com/BabyM2
The last one is a bit more crazy sounding...I think it's cause I had tea (caffiene) for the first time- oops!


Midwest Nest said...

Thanks for steering me to your blog. Look forward to your updates. So very happy for you and Sean. Love ya!

Aubrey Scantlan said...

I LOVE YOU BOTH! I'm sooooo excited! Keep posting! I love reading aaallll about baby Mahoney, my niece or nephew!!