Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's a BOY!!!!

We had our big ultrasound on the 21st and right away we saw that it's a boy. He was definitely not hiding it! We are so excited and can't wait to meet him. Here are some pics:Sean said this is the strongest arm the u/s tech has seen and definitely a throwing arm for when he plays football for Notre Dame. =)Getting ready to suck his thumb:Waving to mommy and daddy!We have 2 names that we're choosing from, however the name will remain a secret until the day he's born. We've picked out our bedding and it's just oh so cute!!! We'll be working on the nursery in the next couple weeks.
Next week, I'll be half way through the pregnancy. I can't believe it's gone this fast! Makes me happy though!
Here's some belly pics of me at 18wks:


Midwest Nest said...

How exciting! You look fabulous!

Janine said...

Yayyy! Congratulations Mahoney's!
Adam, Janine, and Lexi

Jill said...

Look how stinkin' cute you look!!! How great!

Congrats on the boy too!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad things are going well. Can't wait to see pictures of the little guy!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy you updated your blog..Congrats! you look great.